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Beautiful Purple Butterfly

> A life lived before God

> Having a child-like faith, believing and trusting in God in every circumstance

> It's my silver year this 2008

> Loves: JESUS, my family, brewed coffee, chocolates, the beach, sunrise and sunsets, the clouds, cookies, the color purple and blue, butterflies

> I am: a daughter/ a sister/ a friend/ a cousin/ a teacher/ an online travel specialist/ an employee/ a bestfriend/ a roommate/ an atenean/ montessorian/ a hopeless romantic/ one man - woman/ a teammate/ Sio beh/ unica ija/ Gemini/ bio grad/ petite

> Frustrated: artist, painter, actress, singer, writer, athelete, doctor, nurse, pianist, guitarist, marine biologist

> Dreams: to travel around the world, a stable future family, a faithful and loving future hubby, 2 kids, marry someone I can be my bestfriend

> Enjoys: travelling, long rides on a bus or a car, a walk in the beach, conversations over coffee, reading books, classic music, classis stories, singing with the piano, time with my family, a kiss on the forehead, hugs, laughing, watching sunsets and sunrise, good food, fresh air, painting, crafts, teaching, book hunting, bargain shopping, green mangoes with bagoong

> mah friendster and mah email:

Butterfly Past

February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
September 2008
October 2008
December 2008
January 2009
March 2009
April 2012
December 2013
September 2015
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February 2019
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August 2020
September 2020
October 2020
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December 2020
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February 2024


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Daily Devotional


Thursday, June 02, 2005

Now I can finally say...

I spent the last week at home. I wasn't really "home" for the first few days cause I decided to be a counselor for our church youth camp. I celebrated my bday in a unique way and what's best was that I didn't have to spend a single cent from my pocket. Somebody had sponsore good lunch that day. Anyways, while I was there, I spent the last day meeting my ex and his bestfriend. For awhile, i feared that when I meet him, I might still bear feelings for him, that maybe after all this time, I may still be pining over him and in high hopes to fan the flame of our once love. I had to face my demon, my ghost, my phantom. I'm thankful for his bestfriend who has always been a great help to the both of us. I saw him and I have seen how his eyes have grown deeper. I no longer see the glow that he once had when I was falling in love with him. He was to me like any other ordinary friend I have. There was nothing in him that reminded me of how I used to love him soo much that I'd give up everything for him. I sat there across him and smiling as ever. I'm completely OVER him. He told me about his dreams and his plans, and to me it didn't matter anymore. He was interested about my future and I simply replied that I am enjoying my time and I look forward to better days ahead. I'm glad I took the time to meet my ex. It only proved that feelings do change and that no matter how much you may have loved a person, it can change... any flame can die... I am happy that it did.


After all these years, I have many times wished to see the guy that i have often dreamed about... I remember at one point that I felt that if I could have but one choice, I would choose this guy. I remember how I painted a picture of our future together when God reminded me that my LIFE is in HIS hands. I have dreamt of him lately and how it would feel just being with him, and tonight, I got one of the wonderful surprises in life. I look forward to build even just a droplet of memory with him... finally...

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