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Beautiful Purple Butterfly

> A life lived before God

> Having a child-like faith, believing and trusting in God in every circumstance

> It's my silver year this 2008

> Loves: JESUS, my family, brewed coffee, chocolates, the beach, sunrise and sunsets, the clouds, cookies, the color purple and blue, butterflies

> I am: a daughter/ a sister/ a friend/ a cousin/ a teacher/ an online travel specialist/ an employee/ a bestfriend/ a roommate/ an atenean/ montessorian/ a hopeless romantic/ one man - woman/ a teammate/ Sio beh/ unica ija/ Gemini/ bio grad/ petite

> Frustrated: artist, painter, actress, singer, writer, athelete, doctor, nurse, pianist, guitarist, marine biologist

> Dreams: to travel around the world, a stable future family, a faithful and loving future hubby, 2 kids, marry someone I can be my bestfriend

> Enjoys: travelling, long rides on a bus or a car, a walk in the beach, conversations over coffee, reading books, classic music, classis stories, singing with the piano, time with my family, a kiss on the forehead, hugs, laughing, watching sunsets and sunrise, good food, fresh air, painting, crafts, teaching, book hunting, bargain shopping, green mangoes with bagoong

> mah friendster and mah email:

Butterfly Past

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Daily Devotional

Restless continued

Thursday, August 24, 2006

My beau and I rarely go out, for the lack of funds and lack of time. I see him everyday when we eat or just chill to watch DVD, talk about our day and then go back to work again. I know he's been struggling with his schedule. I understand cause I worked on GY for a year and I can honestly say it was NO fun at all. I live to work that time and it didn't give me the flexibility to join any other activities. I see him get depressed for lack of sleep, lack of good food and he's been homesick. I wish I could do so much more but what can I do? We're basically on the same boat except that I have a better schedule than him. I am confident that despite that things he is going through and I am going through, God is at work in our lives.
Here's one article I read today, in answer to my quest of being productive while I am still single...
Productive Singleness
Leslie Ludy


When we are willing to allow God to use this season of our lives for His purposes, we discover an incredible truth: Singleness doesn't have to be a time of passive and futile waiting. Instead it can be an exciting adventure of active preparation.

Let's look at some of the ways God may be using singleness to mold us into His likeness and prepare us for a future relationship.

1. Singleness can strengthen our inward character qualities.

Godly Contentment

I remember learning a great lesson from the movie "Cool Runnings." It's a story about a young Jamaican athlete who has a lifelong dream of winning a gold medal at the Olympics. After a series of events, he finally makes it to the Olympics, his heart set on winning. But just before the competition, his coach gives him an important piece of advice: "Listen, kid. A gold medal is a wonderful thing. But if you aren't enough without it, believe me, you'll never be enough with it."

Tyler, a 25-year-old single musician, points out that the biggest struggle most singles seem to have, himself included, is assuming that once a relationship comes into your life it will make everything perfect.

"I don't want to put off living," he told us with sincerity in his baby-blue eyes. "My life doesn't start once I finally get married; my life has already started. I want to soak up every day for all it's worth, not just wait around for things to be perfect. I want to enjoy each year of my life to the fullest."

A relationship is not meant to make us into a whole person – only Jesus Christ can make us a whole person. Marriage should never become that gold medal we strive for that will finally make us "enough." We must learn to be "enough" right now, just as we are, in Christ alone.

While getting married someday may bring us great joy, we truly do have a reason to be happy and content no matter what season of life we are in – because of what Jesus Christ has done for us. True contentment can only be found in an intimate love relationship with the Lord, not in anything else, including a romantic love story. Singleness can teach us this contentment. In this season we can learn what is means to have peace and joy in Christ, no matter what our circumstances may be. And in a culture that is always longing for something more, "godliness with contentment is great gain" (
1 Timothy 6:6, NIV).

Gaining the Strength to Stand Alone

Sometime ago Elisabeth Elliot made this profound statement: "Loneliness is a required course for leadership."

During a time when I was single, I felt completely alone-away from friends and family, away from Eric, away from anyone who really knew me – and these simple words gave me perspective on the purpose for my loneliness. God was using the loneliness to teach me complete dependence upon Him. I could no longer look to other people for my confidence. I had no choice but to find my courage and hope in Him. This kind of total dependence on the Lord was preparing me to become more effective for His kingdom. I was gaining the inward strength of character I would need to become a leader for Him.

A true leader must have enough backbone to stand alone, even when the crowd wants to take the easy road home. A true leader cannot be dependent on companionship for his or her security, but must learn to trust in God alone. Singleness can give us this kind of backbone – courage, confidence, and leadership skills that any effective Christian must learn.

Discovering His Gentle Arms of Love

Many years ago Amy Grant used to sing, "I love a lonely day ... it chases me to You." Years later I often heard those words echoing back through my mind during times of feeling alone. We can let the inward ache drive us into His ready arms, or simply try to bear it alone in agony.

Eric went through a time of profound loneliness while he was taking a semester off from college. He had just come from a busy schedule at school that included sports, study, and an active social life. He had been surrounded constantly by his good friends. But now, back at home with an empty schedule, while all his buddies were still at school and his family was occupied with their own lives, he felt an intense inward pain as he'd never before known. One day he found himself on his knees, weeping into the fabric of the sofa. The loneliness had become too much to handle. As he cried out to his Lord, he suddenly felt a tremendous peace wash over him. It was almost as if Jesus Himself were kneeling beside Eric, wrapping a tender arm around his shoulder and whispering words of love and comfort to his soul.

That afternoon Eric sat at the piano and wrote the lyrics to what is one of our favorite songs to this day:

I am like a deer, You are like the water.
I run to You, like a son to his Father.
I felt so alone, like a moth without a flame,
But You ignited, and to You I came,
And that's forever.

I felt so alone like a ship without a sea.
But You gave me water,
You took my hand and said to me,
"This is for eternity."

I'll never be lonely,
I'll never be lonely with You.
I've got this feeling that You're here to stay,
And I know I'll never be lonely with You.

It's so exciting to know that though we may be singing a solo in life, we are never truly alone! Singleness is an opportunity to allow Christ's gentle arms to encircle our hearts and discover how very much He loves us.

2. Singleness allows time to focus on practical preparation.

Discovering and Developing Talents and Life Skills

God has created us each with unique gifts, abilities, and heart desires. He has a master plan for each of our lives. Singleness is a time to seek Him with an undivided, undistracted heart. When a relationship comes into our life, often who we are as an individual gets swallowed up, and our identity becomes wrapped up in that other person. Being single is an opportunity to discover who God has made us to be and what He has called us to in this life.

Before Eric and I started our relationship, I went through a time where it seemed that opportunities for me to minister to young women were flooding into my life. As a single person, I had the time and energy to focus on this "informal" ministry. I loved every minute spending time with these girls. I spent hours responding to letters, taking them out to lunch, or seeking to encourage them over the phone. I realized through this experience that the Lord was showing me one of the forms of ministry for which He had created me. If I had been in a relationship, focused entirely on getting married, most likely I wouldn't have had the time or energy to discover or pursue this call in my life. The skills I developed during that time helped prepare me for the ministry God later called Eric and me to as a team.

Ann, from chapter 8, is using this season of singleness to hone her natural talents and God-given desires. She has been able to grow in areas such as music, writing, and public speaking skills.

"With a relationship in my life," she told me, "I would probably never be able to give these areas the time and attention needed to really blossom them into useful skills. I value the chance to focus on pursuing these desires."

One of my closest friends is Molly, a bubbly, attractive blonde with a great sense of humor. At twenty-one, she is using this season of solo in her life to broaden her horizons with things she's always wanted to do. During the week, she works for a corporation as an administrative assistant. In her free time, she is studying voice and developing her skills as a musician. She is also taking time to serve others.

"I may never be this free in my life again," she reasons, "so I want to use it to bless others as much as possible."

Molly took a counselor's training course at her local crisis pregnancy center and now volunteers weekly as a counselor to the center's clients.

Kyle, a 22-year-old single from New Zealand, is using this time in his life to experience the mission field through short-term mission trips. He has been to several countries to serve needy people and share the Gospel. It's an experience that has changed his life, broadened his horizons, led him closer to the Lord, and helped him discover the areas where he is most gifted. He is learning how to use his unique gifts for God's glory.

What are the desires of your heart? To train as a musician or athlete? To pursue a college education? To backpack across the country? To go into missionary work? Maybe it's even to simply spend a season at home serving your own family and community in practical ways.

Singleness can be the perfect time for developing life skills and discovering how to use your talents for the Lord.



Though I am on a steady relationship, I still consider myself single. That should explain why I never changed my status on friendster. Lindz and I have no plans or whatsoever for marriage soon. So, what brought me to write about these thoughts? Well, I want to be productive while I am still single. Yesterday after work, I just spent 4 hours doing nothing and it got me depressed. Admittedly my eyes were tired after staring at the computer for 8 hours and that's all. I just lied on my futton until I fell asleep. I woke up to eat, chat with my housemates for awhile and then I fell asleep again. I would have wanted to read a book but my eyes were tired, TV was of no comfort cause again, my eyes were tired. I felt this way a few months ago so I felt like going home where I don't struggle to be accepted. Until I made a decision to apply for sup, sadly, I was not accepted. They opened a position for trainer and again, I am applying. I stayed longer here away from the comforts of home in high hopes that I''ll be promoted soon but that didn't happen so I am now thinking of packing my things and leave. I need to find a reason to stay cause honestly, I would rather be home than spend hours wasting my time away doing nothing. I have a routine though, I work from Tuesday to Saturday from 7:00am-4:00pm. I included Tuesday Prayer meeting, Friday Cell Group and Saturday Young Adults Fellowship, chill and relax on a Sunday morning and go to church with my beau by 5pm. I do my laundry on Mondays. So much for my routine. Occasionally, my roomie and I clean our room. I'm not a big fan of movies and I hate watching the tube for lack of something to do. I really want so much more than just sitting around and wait for something to happen in my life. I don't want to waste 4 hours of my entire day doing nothing. It's funny that while other people don't have enough time, I have all the time in the world to do something.



Friday, August 18, 2006

Illustration - Recline
I passed by CSA Caloy Lims station when I noticed him checking out some online artwork. It got me really interested so he referred me to his fave artist website Nate Van Dyke: It reminded me my lil bro who happens to be named Kaloi too and it made me miss him all the more. My brother actually maintains his deviantart at: My CSA friend Caloy is also passionate about art just like my lil bro and my beau. I began to browse through the website and by this time, I became a fan myself. He has an unusual way of presenting his illustrations. Gets me thinking each artwork I check. I like all his illustrations so I am posting 2 of them on this blog.
I like the illustration Recline cause it kinda reminds me to relax and unwind. 2 weeks of being on graveyard wasn't that easy. Tonight is my last day on graveyard so I am sooo looking forward to be sleeping at night. I don't think I'll survive the GY shift ever again. Well, if I have to then I'll struggle to survive. I doze off even if I close my eyes for awhile. I promised myself never to work on GY. I am in some way glad that they did not promote me yet. I'm not too flexible with the schedule.
Things are really going well at home and I have been looking forward to go home since the last time I came to visit February this year. So, I applied for a vacation leave just in time for my Mama's birthday on August 29. To my dismay, they did not approve my leave at all. It left me brokenhearted. I can't wait to see my family, my mom, my papa, my brothers, joel our puppy.*sigh* I wish I could see her on her birthday but the usual, a phonecall will do for now.
August is about to end and pretty soon, the streets, the houses and tall buildings will be lined up with Christmas lights and decorations. Something that I have been looking forward to since the start of the year. I wish to celebrate Christmas at home this year. For the past 2 years now, I had to celebrate it at the office. It wasn't too bad at first but I don't think I want to celebrate another year in the office again. I remember that it was around the peak of Christmas Season when I first came to CEBU. It was November 6, 2004 to be exact and a year and almost a month after, I met my beau on December 2, 2005. Our company held a hiring madness at that date so I remember the details very well. I will be celebrating 2 years of independence pretty soon and I can't believe I survived. All in Gods grace and goodnes. So many things to go through in the future and 2 years is only a fraction of a lifetime. One thing I know for certain is that the safest place I can ever be is in the center of Gods will.
I will try my best not to be overly emotional on my blog. Sometimes I forget that anyone can just read my blog and I am laying my thoughts and my heart bare for other people to judge me or misjudge me otherwise. It's a risk I took since I started this blog.
My GY shift is about to finish, can't wait to sleep at night.
Illustration - Finish Line


Try Again

I am on my second to the last day as a mentor for EC-75. I feel like a failure after mentoring my second batch of mentees. The fact is, the new schedule is on a graveyard. Shift starts at 10PM-7AM. I struggled when I worked on graveyard last year and I realized that I never wanna work on GY ever again. I always feel tired and sleepy and I don't feel as productive as I would be if I were in the day shift. The good thing about my account is that the shift is for 24 hours and I get to choose morning sched. I will be taking calls by Tuesday. I'm not complaining at all cause my shift starts at 7:00AM. Thank God and I can't wait to wake up lovely in the morning. There are a lot of incentives when taking calls so I have no reason to complain about going back to the floor. Being a mentor gave me the break I needed from taking calls for a year and 7 months.
I appreciate Lindz effort of going with me to work this past 2 days now. He's actually on his rest days and instead of going out with his friends, he chose rather to go with me to my office for my GY shift and we spent an hour at least drinking coffee outside before logging in for my shift. I must say that I love the time with him and I'm sure he enjoyed my company as well. I was never able to adjust for my GY shift but I am just so thankful that I can at least share the night with Lindz. 2 weeks of torture but I was able to bond with my beau. I'm really glad that we never had a fight since last week except for the petty ones which has become our way of showing affection.
I couldn't get over the fact that I was not accepted as a sup for the past few days. I felt so drained and tired. I have to brush myself up and try again. The company is opening a position for associate trainers. I already requested for my sup to print out all necessary documents and to be submitted to HR. Again, I know it won't be easy to be rejected again but it's worth a try. I'm really happy for 2 of my friends, Angel, the sup I have been working with for my mentoring and Rob, he was not my teammate but we became close when I sat beside him. Even if I did not get the position, I am happy for them.


Old Buddies

Thursday, August 17, 2006

I stumbled upon an old friends blog I knew she has been reading my blogs but I never checked if she had one but I think she has been posting through friendster. I read through her post entitled They… and I can't help but reminisce about the times we had. I even know some of the men she was describing under that post. We used to share a lot of things about love and life. Back then, I was in the comforts of my home while she had to study in Pisay. I must say that she's way much a better person after she had gone to study in Pisay. I don't mean to say that she would have been terrible if she had not gone to Manila but all I'm trying to point out is that her experiences brought about her being away from home made her closer to God and gave her so many experiences and exposure. While she is now studying to be one of the most celebrated doctors in the country within the comforts of home, I am working not too far from home. Our situations somehow got reversed. Being away from home has broaden my horizon, my circle of friends and influence.
I believe I can say the same thing for my beau. We almost parted ways not too long ago. I thought that we won't get to celebrate 4 months then but we're heading to our 5th month. I prayed earnestly before I entered this relationship. It doesn't mean that this relationship will be successful just because I earnestly prayed before I decided to enter it. My beau and I always rely in God's direction for our lives.
One of my co-workers committed suicide last Friday. Rumor has it that he has been having some problems with his marriage, his wife having an affair and some financial issues as well. We were all shocked. I never really had the chance to know him but what happened made me realize that it doesn't matter how old I will be when the right time comes for me to get married, it's not even a mere question of who I will be marrying, it's more on how ready I will be and how ready my future husband will be. I can honestly say to myself that I don't care if I marry late or never get married at all, for as long as I am ready for it. Right now, I clearly am not ready for marriage. There are so many things that I need to learn and I am too caught up with myself. There are so many things that I can achieve while I am still single and available. I want to become the kind of wife my future husband will be proud of someday. The kind of wife who will not push his husband to the point of committing suicide. I am so grateful for what happened to my ex and I now that I am looking back at what happened between us. At that time, my world revolved around him, we established our future around each other. We hurt each other through the course of the relationship and we left each other bruised and wounded. I thought it was the worst thing that could happen to me but deep inside I knew he broke up with me because he loved me too much and it was the right and best thing to do. I couldn't understand it at that time, my take was always that if you love someone, you'll stick with him through thick or thin. He wasn't sure of himself yet and we had a lot of issues to deal with that we were both dragging each other down. We were drowning and to save us, he had to let go of me and let go of the future we dreamed together. It was a painful experience and I hated what happened for awhile, I could never really hate him even after what happened  but I've moved on since. It's been more than 2 years and I haven't heard from him. I know that he still loves me despite of what happened but I wouldn't give ourselves another chance to establish our lives together if given the chance to be with him again. I'm not bitter, I just happen to move on. I am happy where I am right now, I am happy with my beau. As for my beau and I, we look forward to being together in the future. So far, everything is going well between us. Believe it or not, we haven't kissed yet. I am happy and proud of that fact. Although admittedly, I get tempted to kiss him on the lips but I hold back my emotions. I like taking it too slow for now.


Sup Application

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

I went through 7 excruciating and draining interviews and I did not get promoted. The Team Manager from Vonage told me that it's not because I am not good or that I am not ready but it's just that I lack the skill of sales. The interview was so smooth and it went great that I felt that he was going to accept me. After some thoughts and some planning, he just had to turn me down cause he fears that I might have problems if he puts me in a position he feels I am not fit into. He undermined my ability. I wasn't about to let him get the best out of me so I sent him an email stating about my desire for the sup role and here goes:
Hi Niko,
I understand how we talked about you not promoting me mainly because my competency does not match the skill that your account needs right now. Somehow, I have to be honest that I am really vying for the position not only because I want to be promoted but because I am confident that I am able to give a positive impact in this company and especially in your account. It's not because I am skilled when it comes to sales but I believe in passion and I believe in hard work of which I have been doing for the past year and 9 months now. Being with Expedia which in itself is a tough account has given me the skills that I need to lead a team. I am sending you this email as a bold move in my part with high hopes that you will reconsider my application as supervisor in your account. I made Expedia my first choice but when I became exposed to Vonage during my stay in Bay 2 for my mentorship, I realized that transferring to a new account will be a big challenge as much as it is a big step for me to step up the ladder. I want to make it clear that I did not apply as a supervisor because I only want to be promoted, as you said, because I am ready. I am ready to whatever account it may be. I will make myself ready and available. I do not fear that this move will be detrimental to my career. I do not want to undermine my own skills and abilities knowing that I am someone who does not give in to pressures easily. I am certain about this role and I am hoping that you will consider me if the position is still open. However, if you still feel that I do not fit in your account, I leave you as the best judge to it believing that you know your account more than I do. I thank you for your time and I must say that I learned a lot during the interview as well as during the feedback session.
All my best,
I honestly don't know what and where this email will lead to but I took all my courage and sent it anyways. Whatever will be will be.


OUT in the market

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

My beau is now up for grabs. We both are. I just set him free last night. . I couldn't believe it myself at first but reality bites and it bites hard. It's the RIGHT thing to do. I asked him a simple question that is not simple to answer at all. I asked if he has plans for me in the future and what he said is that he cannot give me any assurance at all. We are in the relationship primarily because we're very good friends. But then again, I said it myself that we cannot force the issue between us. Things are not complicated yet so we're better off meeting new people. We're good friends for sure and we did love each other but sadly it did not work. What happened? We made an agreement to avoid getting drunk but still he did not keep his promise. How do I expect him to keep major promises when he can't even keep a promise as simple as not getting drunk. I know that I am doing the right thing. I don't have any qualms of being single again. All throughout the relationship, i have always been his support system. I was always there when he needed me and I gave it my BEST.
