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Beautiful Purple Butterfly

> A life lived before God

> Having a child-like faith, believing and trusting in God in every circumstance

> It's my silver year this 2008

> Loves: JESUS, my family, brewed coffee, chocolates, the beach, sunrise and sunsets, the clouds, cookies, the color purple and blue, butterflies

> I am: a daughter/ a sister/ a friend/ a cousin/ a teacher/ an online travel specialist/ an employee/ a bestfriend/ a roommate/ an atenean/ montessorian/ a hopeless romantic/ one man - woman/ a teammate/ Sio beh/ unica ija/ Gemini/ bio grad/ petite

> Frustrated: artist, painter, actress, singer, writer, athelete, doctor, nurse, pianist, guitarist, marine biologist

> Dreams: to travel around the world, a stable future family, a faithful and loving future hubby, 2 kids, marry someone I can be my bestfriend

> Enjoys: travelling, long rides on a bus or a car, a walk in the beach, conversations over coffee, reading books, classic music, classis stories, singing with the piano, time with my family, a kiss on the forehead, hugs, laughing, watching sunsets and sunrise, good food, fresh air, painting, crafts, teaching, book hunting, bargain shopping, green mangoes with bagoong

> mah friendster and mah email:

Butterfly Past

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Daily Devotional

Bantayan... Sinulog...

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Ahhhh… My first entry for what seemed like an endless vacation. So much has happened that it’s hard to keep up with life. I still have my dreams with me and I am happy that I have the power to make those dreams come true. I finally planned the trip for my bestfriend Alma. She was here to visit me sometime September last month since I told her I was already resigning. My resignation is still pending so I got to celebrate Christmas here in Cebu. Alma and I used to talk endlessly about wanting to travel, eating at different restaurants and simply exploring the country. Almost 4 years has passed and we haven’t quite toured the Country yet. For now, we lack the funds but I learned from another sup here that life is what you make out of it. If one is determined to get what he or she dreams then it’s definitely going to be a breeze. The highlight of the trip would be our trip to Bantayan. I’ve heard lots of good reviews from Bantayan. Although I’ve never been to Boracay, I wanted to explore the white sands of the beaches nearest Cebu. I am quite excited about this trip and I looking forward to breathe the breeze, to feel the warmth of the sunshine and the feel of sand underneath my feet. I’ve been in Cebu for three years now but not once did I allow myself to watch the parade, I figured that it’s too crowded, too noisy and too hot. Almost every school in the city is busy preparing for their street in high hopes of bringing home the pride of being number one. Sinulog is the biggest festival in a metropolitan like Cebu. Hotels, motels and inns everywhere are fully booked by that time. A lot of people would spend moolah just to be part and witness the event. Here I am, it’s going to be my restday and my bestfriend  or both of my bestfriends are coming over so I am making the most of the experience. I’ve been looking forward to fairer skin but I think I’d want to try to be tan once in a while. Come to think about it, I feel so blessed to have 2 great bestfriends in my life, I don’t just have one but 2 of them and they’re not just ordinary girls, they’re awesome and let me add that both are stunners. Hehehehe you know what they say, ‘birds with the same feather flock together.’ There’ll be pictures posted on the blog for sure and I’m sure that it’ll be worth the time, the effort and the money. I love both of my girls and although they may be different in many ways both are also alike in a lot of ways. No wonder I became close to them. I grew up without a sister so both of them kinda filled that spot for me. Just one week more and I’ll be prancing round the sun… sigh! Can’t wait!

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